Tired of sitting in Khal with 10 FPS while waiting for the raid content promised to us in game update #3, Pravus Dei decided to go out and mix it up a little bit. Since there are no official raids in Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, we decided to create our own. Yup, we raided the High Elven City of Leth Nurae. Our faction is totally fucked, but this kill here made it all worthwhile:

The NPC "Silius", named after the developer of the entire crafting sphere in vanguard, died to Pravus Dei in a world wide first attempt on a typical Tuesday afternoon. Many crafters stopped to watch the show and to our amazement, this NPC actually had a unique script and battle plan. We all had a great time taking this guy down and we thank those who came out to see us in action. Boredom can be a powerful motivator ;)
Even more recently, Pravus Dei became the first guild world wide to complete the construction of the Qalian Guildhall. This is an ENORMOUS team accomplishment, as both the diplomacy and actual construction materials are a ridiculous pain in the ass to acquire. 14,420 granite bricks, several 100 diplomacy information from T1 to T5, and that clusterfuck at the mummy dust just to name a few of the challenging aspects of building one of these bad boys. Needless to say, not many people even have theirs up days after they have gone live. Here is the result of an incredible team effort to get this done (we started about a week and a half before the merge).

It is absolutely massive and can be seen from an incredible distance as you're riding through the Infineum Plateaus. Because we were the first to have completed this project, we figured it would be a good idea to open it up to the community in a sort of "open house" kind of fashion.

The number of people who came out to congratulate us was staggering and all of our members were beaming with pride as adventurers flew in to check out what we had done. I'd like to thank those who came out and wish you all the best of luck in building halls for your guilds as well.

These are just a few shots of the many, many indoor chambers, but if I were to post them all this thread would go on forever.
PD is still recruiting, though we have about a 20% application to membership approval rate at the moment. While it isn't easy to make it into our ranks, it is worth it for the hardcore, dedicated player . www.pdguild.org to apply if you think you've got what it takes.
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