The ranka owns a house! Yup I bought a plot next to the guild hall (Ebumar's house), Crellin, and Kayleem's houses so we're all in the Falthesi Steppe area. This strategic location is a great point for mobilizing the guild for raids.

There be dragons in these parts...

My new alt Pscionicist, Kastin Spellz, makes an appearance. The goblin starting scenario is probably the coolest of all the races. You're thrust into the midst of a war between Gulgrethor and Murtok soldiers and some of the first quests require you to navigate a battle field (depicted above) to save some prisoners from the slave ships of the enemy. Pretty effing cool way to start an MMO.

Graytone is one of the coolest dungeons to date. Currently, I'm working on this time-consuming questline which ultimately results in a very nice sword reward. This is one of the named in the deeper parts of the dungeon. Lots of Hp, total puss.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the coolest aspect of Vanguard:Saga of Heroes. Yup I'm flying. Griffon mounts have been added via temporary 5 minute rentals during a testing phase. This is me flying over Graystone. Pretty cool.

Another shot of me flying.

This is for Rellix. This is part of the Rellix mud wrestling conversation from guildchat.

Notice Fehm is 100% confident she can take you Rell.
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