Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Well, as expected, I completely forgot about this thing until now. Time for a brief update-

CK is in the process of recruiting select jobs to round out our roster for the next big content push. We've been fortunate enough to have some quality players apply recently and we'd like thank all those who have put in applications.

Kill wise its been pretty quiet the last couple weeks. We passed our Kirin week to Rawr due to somehow mixing up our alternating schedule, so we popped a buncha sky minis instead. They yielded some more of that basic sky gear we're using to equip mostly secondary end game jobs at this point.

Dynamis has been steady thanks to Typhus holding down the fort while I'm focussing on my college work.

Rsouljah's limbus group will be spawning Ultima this coming week as well, so that should be fun.

We also tried our hand at Hydra for the first time (Unfortunately I'm not computer savvy enough to figure out how to format my screenies for this yet) and though he spanked us twice, we managed to bring him to 9% and 5% respectively before going down. We'll be back to finish the job soon now that we know how the fight works.

Aeron and Rsouljah [CK Officers] brought CK into Sea Monday night for some Ix Drk + Jailer of Faith action as well. Tier 2 is just around the corner for us now.

Minor news:
CK Website- We're in the process of transferring our website to a new database (I think that's what we're doing anyways) so we may soon have a new URL to our page. I'd like to thank Tsavi (Origionally Oferi) for several years of maintainence on our website, we really appreciate the work she's done for us. /salute

My Purple Chocobo recently mated with Nomar's black chocobo so we're hoping for some special babies. Egg hasn't hatched yet so we're not sure what to expect.

Also dinged PLD to 35, somehow finding time to level it between massive loads of work. Auto refresh is fun.

Other than that, keep those applications incoming as we look to finalize our end game roster for that next content leap.

Ranka out.

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