I also completed the Unicorn quest finally. This was a huge pain in the ass since most of the quests required significant travel time and high kill counts from lower level areas. Not exactly making an argument for the heterosexuality of rangers, but this thing is fast as fuck so whatever :P
"Bond don't fuck around"
This guy made me lol irl. I guess Dante beat his group to a named mob kill and got some mediocre uncommon drop and this joker sent me a tell accusing PD of being KSers/assholes. His approach was hysterical and I was laughing pretty much the entire time I spoke with him. Some level 45ish Monk threatening PD while talking in the 3rd person was just priceless.
I had Dante return the item to him and we apologized despite not being in the wrong. The threats continued but eventually I told him good luck and he said thanks and that was that. Pretty funny situation if you ask me.
Recruitment is also still open for exceptional raid type players. www.pdguild.org for details.