With server merges and raid content just on the horizon, PD has been working diligently on equipping our members and adding some talent to make our team the best out there. Currently, we are seeking a limited number of hardcore, veteran players preferably with EQ1 raid experience. Recruitment is open to all classes at the moment, however that will change as the merge happens. If you have what it takes to be the best at what you do, fill out an app today or contact a PD officer (Anaeran, Tildin, Lenwen, Socratic, Fehm, Ebumar) in game.
6/24/07 - I was promoted to Officer rank in Pravus Dei. I am the new PD recruitment officer and am currently revamping our entire recruitment process, so as to ensure only the best of the best players make it into our ranks. Yup, its gonna get harder folks. Suck it up and apply anyways, its worth it. I am also working with the other officers on general guild management so as to increase our efficiency.
Note: If you're planning on applying to PD, I accept RL dollars and/or sexual favors as bribes in return for a good word on your app. Attractive women only please.
Here's my Flawless Axe, crafted by one of PD's weaponsmiths, Shadowatcher. I finally got my hands on a striking weapon and degimpified myself a bit.
Exploring the Fungus Dungeon in Rumug Swamp seeking Socratic's leg assembly items. Socratic became the first person worldwide to obtain his heroic swamp legs. That's how PD rolls folks.

This guy was just cool looking. He's always up, but we changed that in a hurry.

Pharoah farming. This guy drops one of the better heroic medium belts in the entire game at the moment. He ended up dropping his rare bow for us instead, which ended up being guildbank fodder. Maybe next time.
This guy was just cool looking. He's always up, but we changed that in a hurry.
Pharoah farming. This guy drops one of the better heroic medium belts in the entire game at the moment. He ended up dropping his rare bow for us instead, which ended up being guildbank fodder. Maybe next time.