New Full CK:
Mobs Dead to CK since last update:
Fafnir - Ssouljah (E.Hands), Dragon Talon (Gil Split)
Behemoth - Behemoth Hide x2 (Gil Split)
HQ2 Ix'Monk - Aeron (Merciful Cape)
Jailer of Faith - Wyle (Claws)
Jailer of Hope - Nothing><
Jailer of Hope - Naotakun (Staff) Fifth Virtue
Bahamut V.1
Picture of the Jailer of Hope spawn. These were our first two tier 2 jailer spawns and they proved to be far easier than expected.
We also paid a visit to our old buddy Jormungand. She wasn't thrilled to see 31 CK forming up to beat her down. The fight went extremely well, though slow, we managed to take her with relatively few issues for most of the fight. Our tank communication has improved so much as of late and mage work was seamless all the way through. Adds control was probably the best its ever been for us, and all around everyone played a great game. Unfortunately at around the 11% mark, one of our members mistakingly called for help on Jorm. It was a sad way to end the night, but we have no doubts we had the fight won had we been able to continue. We'll be back to make it official in the near future.
Here's a couple shots of the action, enjoy:

That's all for now. Ranka out-